A career is one of your most important life-choices. It is a profession, job or occupation that you study and train for. It is what you pursue long term.It may even involve repeated learning. It provides you with a livelihood, and a sense of fulfilment and participation in society.
A career could be cricket coach at a club, or technician in a diagnostic laboratory, or a mdeical represntative, or an accountant for a company. There are literally thousands of possible careers.
Since career is an important and long-term choice that requires an investment of time, effort and money, you should introspect deeply before making it.
Early stage planning is very important since education stream and subject choices affect what career options are open to you.
Four important factors that influence career choice are:
- Your Passion: what you most enjoy.
- Your Aptitude: What you are good at.
- Satisfaction and Values: Whether the career provides what you find most important.
- Feasibility: What it costs, whether the training logistics are manageable, and whether job conditions are conducive.
Watch this video for more information on career selection.