There are hundreds of job or career options available today, with newer options being added continuously in response to changing conditions, technologies, or discoveries. To know about all these or make a choice for oneself can be overwhelming. For this reason, we try to group ‘related’ career choices into sectors or ‘clusters’. A Career Cluster is a group of careers that shares a common objective. E.g., jobs around provision of food include all careers connected with agriculture, farming, food processing, nutrition, etc. Similarly, in the Education cluster we have not only teachers, professors, lecturers, but also school or college administration and management, curriculum developers, policy makers, non-teaching staff, researchers, etc.
Career Clusters help us to organise related career options. A career cluster includes several job options. This allows us to narrow down the necessary educational qualifications as well as career paths. Clusters provide alternate careers in an area of interest if a specific one is infeasible for some reason. Within a cluster, there might be some careers that need a large investment of time / effort /money; there might be some which are highly competitive; there might be some that require large setup to practice; or some that have challenging physical requirements, or which entail regular transfers, and so on. You should evaluate the different career options within a cluster, based on your particular aptitude, constraints, and values, so as to arrive at a small shortlist.
Watch this video for more information on career clusters.
For our purposes, we have identified the following clusters. Click on your cluster of choice to know the possible careers in that cluster.